Sherry & the mystery of Palo Cortado (documentary)
This is the starting point for a new documentary Sherry & The mystery of Palo Cortado (El Misterio del Palo Cortado in Spanish) that will be presented in February. The idea comes from Jesús Barquín, the man behind Equipo Navazos, and the film is made by José Luis López-Linares and Antonio Saura.
In the documentary, well-known people from the sherry world will shed their light on this mysterious wine. Sommeliers like Josep Roca (El Celler de Can Roca), winemakers like Antonio Flores (Gonzalez Byass), Eduardo Ojeda (Valdespino) or Jan Petersen (Fernando de Castilla), professors like Maria José Huerta or journalists like Paz Ivison…
I’m very excited about this film. Apart from providing some inside information about Palo Cortado, the documentary will give us a beautiful picture of the bodegas in this region.
‘Sherry and the mystery of Palo Cortado’ will be first viewed 11th of February, at a ‘culinary cinema’ event at the Berlin film festival.
You can already enjoy the trailer, from which the picture above is taken: