Sherry wines - Vinos de Jerez - Manzanilla, Oloroso, Pedro Ximenez, Fino, Palo Cortado, Amontillado


Published on April 24th, 2019 | by Ruben


Manzanilla Bertola (Diez-Mérito)

Bertola is a full range which includes all sorts of sherry types

This is the Manzanilla in the Bertola range from Bodegas Diez-Mérito. Just over 3 years old on average.

After the restart of the brand in March 2016, the Bertola range is the basic series of this house. It includes every type of sherry from bone-dry Fino to super-sweet Pedro Ximénez.


Manzanilla Bertola (15%, Diez-Mérito)

Nose: fairly dry, with straw and yeasty notes. Some younger, fruity notes underneath (which get bigger as it warms up). Light pastry notes. Slight waxy touches.

Mouth: dried fruits, still some pastry notes. Then chamomile, soft nutty notes. Quite some Mediterranean herbs and a balanced bitterness towards the finish.

Availability: around € 6 in Spain (try Bodeboca), up to € 13 in the rest of Europe.

Summary: A good, basic Manzanilla with a characteristic fruitiness on the nose and a balanced bitterness on the palate. A very good match with food.



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About the Author

is a Certified Sherry Educator who fell in love with sherry some 25 years ago, but switched to a higher gear in 2013 and started writing about it. Lived in Madrid for a couple of years, now back in Belgium. I also run a whisky blog over at

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