Sherry wines - Vinos de Jerez - Manzanilla, Oloroso, Pedro Ximenez, Fino, Palo Cortado, Amontillado

Browsing the "Sherry reviews" Category

Moscatel Emilín (Lustau)

1 June 2016 | by Ruben

The Moscatel Emilín is part of the Solera Familiar range from Lustau. The Moscatel grapes for this wine are grown in

Tio Pepe En Rama 2016

17 May 2016 | by Ruben

A couple of weeks ago I was attending the Belgian presentation of Tio Pepe En Rama 2016 (thanks Luc and

Fino (El Maestro Sierra)

9 May 2016 | by Ruben

As often with sherry, it’s hard to get conclusive information. The El Maestro Sierra website claims this Fino is 4 years

Contrabandista (Valdespino)

19 April 2016 | by Ruben

Adding a tiny amount of PX takes away the rough edges… as well as some of the complexity Contrabandista is

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