Amontillado La Honda (Osborne)
24 January 2022 | by Ruben
Amontillado La Honda is a 22 years old Amontillado that originated from the Fino La Honda. It is one of the enological gems of Osborne
24 January 2022 | by Ruben
Amontillado La Honda is a 22 years old Amontillado that originated from the Fino La Honda. It is one of the enological gems of Osborne
13 November 2021 | by Ruben
Fino La Honda is an old solera with a more robust character. The past few decades it hasn't been on the market, but now it's part of the new En Rama series
26 February 2019 | by Ruben
A 1960s version of El Cíd, the now legendary Amontillado that originated at Duff Gordon, later taken over by Osborne as a trophy wine