Sherry wines - Vinos de Jerez - Manzanilla, Oloroso, Pedro Ximenez, Fino, Palo Cortado, Amontillado

''Sanlúcar de Barrameda'' articles

Fino versus Manzanilla: an internal conflict

18 August 2020 | by Ruben

In the past few days the sherry region has been overshadowed by an internal conflict, and if you dig deeper, you'll notice it is a deeply rooted conflict between winemaking traditions and cities.

Manzanilla Extra Dry (Barbadillo)

4 August 2020 | by Ruben

It doesn't hurt going back to the basics once in a while, so while visiting my local Carrefour I picked up this Manzanilla 'Extra Dry' from Bodegas Barbadillo

Amontillado Principe de Barbadillo

1 October 2019 | by Ruben

Barbadillo’s premium Amontillado, available in two age versions Principe de Barbadillo was originally known as Amontillado del Principe Pio, after prince

Sherry shops in Jerez

10 September 2019 | by Ruben

The list of interesting sherry wine shops in the Jerez area is not that long. Here are a few of my favourites: Corredera, La Casa del Jerez and Der Guerrita

Sánchez Ayala

4 July 2019 | by Ruben

The history of Sánchez Ayala goes back as far as 1789 and starts with the Marquess of Arizon. He owned

Lustau Tres En Rama 2019

26 June 2019 | by Ruben

The yearly 3 En Rama bottlings highlight the differences of the key cities in the sherry triangle Slightly later than

Manzanilla Solear (Barbadillo)

9 May 2019 | by Ruben

Who doesn’t know this iconic Manzanilla Solear? It is made by the sixth generation of the Barbadillo family in Sanlúcar and the best known Manzanilla of all (together with La Gitana and La Guita)

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